Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Scout's 1st Birthday
Happy 1st Birthday to our little Scout. 12/05
She got a gourmet cookie for her birthday...and this awkward bib i made her:)
Oh I feel like it was yesterday she just fit into my two hands:(
Friday, November 25, 2011
Christmas in Oaksdale Washington
This year we went over to Johnny's parents for Thanksgiving. Since we try to work out the Holiday's to make it fair for both families we had Thanksgiving and Christmas all in one weekend. Thanksgiving day was perfect with cooking, baking, football, and relaxing. Me, Marletta, and Mitch's exwife decided to take off 4am the next morning to go shopping. I was a little nervous hearing all rumors about it. But i think since many places opened at midnight, we missed the rush. Plus I think the handicap parking pass we had was a plus. To end our all morning to afternoon shopping Marletta treated us three girls to manicures and pedicures. While we were out, the boys tooks the kids down to the farm and help Papa Randy with a few chores. Saturday morning was Christmas with a huge blow up Snowman with the christmas tree. We were blessed for the great kids we all got. That afternoon it was the "guys time" where they went to floor seats to watch Ganzaga play. Us girls took the kids to see Arthur's Christmas (which was great and highly reccomend). Saturday night was more food with guests, and board games then hitting the road early Sunday morning.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
365 days.....
Today marks 1 year until Johnny and I say our vows to one another! I cannot beleive that just almost three months ago Johnny asked me to be with him for the rest of our lives. Planning has been going great. We picked our date November 3, 2012 (duh, year from today:) I have tried our best to get the word out there to as much family for planning time. We will be sending out Save the Dates soon! We looked at several venues and as dad would say, "you went with the first look?" This place we just kept going back to and cound't imagine ourselves anywhere else. We will be getting married in Yelm at the Lake Lawrence Lodge. It's a very "rustic" old timber wood/eposed beams place with a stone fire place. The inside reminds me of a "barn like" that we were going for. It's got high ceilings and we're next Lake Lawrence. One thing that I am so excited about it most places we looked at you had to pay by the hour. This place with the flat rate we get from Friday noon all the way to Sunday noon. This will allow us time to decorate ect, without having to constantly look at the clock. Our Wedding Party is ready, even though we are still waiting on Johnny's brother who is not sure if he is going overseas. Let's see, we went to the Tacoma Dome Wedding Expo where we found our Cake Lady. I'm not sure how much I am allowed to share or keep things secret. haha. We will be making an appointment with a DJ who I am sure we will be going with. We're working on getting proposals from Caterers and still waiting to find the Photographer that's "the one." Last but not least us girls went to our first Dress place and found THE ONE! Ksavera and Jason recommeded a Florist that they picked through their hunt. So far we have been pretty organized and a head of our game....we would just like to make sure that all of our ducks are in a row along with paying and getting things now so it's not ALL a huge bunch. I also will be calling the travel agency for our Honeymoon to get qoutes. Our colors are the Fall Pallet and everyone is being so helpful! I have watched a few bridezilla shows to help me learn what not to be...haha.
Well, stay tuned for the next 365 days with the ups and down of planning our Wedding :)
Well, stay tuned for the next 365 days with the ups and down of planning our Wedding :)
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Halloween 2011
Mine and Aidan's faces with Johnny's power Line :)
We went in theme with our night and did the $8 Pumpkin Pizza from Papa Murphy's. Aidan loved pulling out the guts and helping me divide the seeds and guts so we can bake the seeds.
This year we went to the Orting Spooner's Pumpkin Farm.
The best part was shooting the mini pumpkins at the targets to try to win a free pumpkin.
We were unlucky this year, but I just called it practice for next year!
We had planned for rain that day and were very lucky with a hot sunny day!
Everyone's legs were tired so we decided to wait for the corn maze next year.
......Happy Halloween everyone!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Designing a New Clinic...
This last week I was honored to be apart of a team to help design the NEW Bonney Lake Franciscan Medical Pavilion coming September 2012. Along with two other employees from my work we were chosen to be there. On our team we had a provider Dr. Fegley, a patient-Annie, Julie-RN from Urology, Amy-Medical Records, PJ-Referrals Coordinator, Luis-IT, Traci-Medical Assistant, and Betsy-Receptionist Supervisor. This workshop was ran by project managers and the main architecs that will be doing this building. It's a 45000 sq, three floors. On the main level it will have a Prompt Care, Pharmacy, Lab, and Diagnostic Imaging. Second Floor will be us...which we designed the Primary Care-Family Medicine and Specialty Clinic. Third floor will have Oncology, Physical Therapy, (i forgot the other unit) and the conference rooms/staff lounge. We got down and dirty in our conmfy clothes all week then getting fancy for our presentation day on Friday.
The week started with us challenged to brainstorm what our systems are now...and what we can do to improve them...not only for our patients but our staff as well. We were then asked to EACH design 7 floorplans. In our group we picked one. Then we were asked to present our design to the whole group. Others asked questions and challenged us on some areas to work on. We were then asked to design them off a 1/4 scale to a 3D presenation board..then we presented it and then designed it AGAIN off of a larger 1/2 scale. Keep in mind when cutting out all the cardboard and taping, we had to use a special scale to make sure everything was how it would be in actual scale. We were challenged to make sure all halls were at length/width along with exams rooms. Our dept. will have 10-12 primary care providers along with 4-6 specialty providers. With that we needed to design 40-10x10 exam rooms, 2 larger specialty rooms, and 3 procedure rooms. We needed to include all the patient and staff restooms, dirty/clean utilities, room for referrals/admin staff and a computer in every exam room. Let me say this again that we needed to cut these little and make sure it was all BY SCALE. There was alot of frustration and sweat to make this happen:) We needed to keep in mind to lessen patient walking and staff walking. Let me say this again how honored I feel to be apart of this. At the end on Friday we presented to all the important people (presidents, etc). I cannot wait to be apart of the ribbon cutting ceremony and walk through the second floor knowing I was apart of the team that designed this!
Main Lobby level, where you walk in, that curved wall is the check-in where you can check-in for ANY provider in the building. From left to right, Pharmacy, Prompt Care, Digital Imaging, and then Lab. They all did a great job!
Closer view of Pharmacy from looking outside building.
View looking over Prompt Care. You will see, we did these with all of our rooms on our floor. There are two entrances into a room. You have one for patients on the outside and then on the inside for medical staff. We used barn doors that slide to the side. This is a LEAN process to help not take up space. This also allows an offstage and onstage so patients can come in and not have to be around all the noise and working of the back office.
View of 3rd floor-oncology and physical therapy.
And then....OURS other groups and sections to do on their floors, and we had the whole second floor. With our floor there are two main patient hall ways that form into T's. The outside perminator is staff that we call neighborhoods. This floorplan allows limited walking and confusion for patients. They get off the elevator and can go either left or right then down their halls.
The AMAZING team that designed the second floor at the Coming Soon Bonney Lake Franciscan Medical Pavilion.
I have videos on my camera of walk thru's of the small designs. If you are ever with me i would Love to show you!!
A night Out in the 1930's...

Johnny and I were invited to a 1930's dinner show/fundraiser and had a blast. Our friend Kayla joined us and we enjoyed the auction, dinner, and WINE(while Johnny enjoyed his yager in his wine glass)! The show was great and we were sure happy to participate .
~~Thanks mom for the invite and giving us your seats :)~~
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Wedding Planning Kick Off!
Friday night we had a wedding kick off sleep over at Ksavera's place. It was perfect since Jon dropped off Mandy I was able to include him as well. I presented each of the girls, Jon, and Caitlyn & Ashton mine and Johnny's cards for them to be in the wedding. Our wedding party will include:
Erin and Ksavera(my sisters): Matron's of Honor
Kayla(good friend from work): Bridesmaid
Caitlyn & Ashton(niece and nephew): Flower Girl & Ring Bearer
Jon(brother): the Officiant
Aidan(Johnny's son): Best Man
Ryan, Sean, and Ryan(Johnny's friends): Groomsmen
Unfortunately, Johnny's brother Mitch will be over seas during this. But he will be there in spirit.
What a great girls night! I am so excited to have them all apart of Johnny's and My big day. We have so much planning ahead for the year until November 3rd, 2012. (save the dates will be coming out)
Ksavera made a wonderful spaghetti dinner with an amazing presentation. I bought each one of the girls and my mom glasses that we decorated. We will then bring these glasses to all of our wedding planning events. We toasted our decorating session with the champagne that Mandy brought then ended the night with the movie, "Something Borrowed."
Thursday, September 1, 2011
So I have to give it to my family for keeping the "BIG" secret. Aidan and I had been with my family since Wednesay waiting for Johnny and Jon to drive to the beach together after work on Friday. Little did I know, during that bon fire that night on August 19, 2011 Johnny would be asking me to spend the rest our lives together.
I had a feeling something was up, but I never would had thought it was going to happen that night.
I had a feeling something was up, but I never would had thought it was going to happen that night.
He talked to my parents way before and even showed them the ring hiding it around the house. Not only did he talk to my parents, but he called Erin & Ashley, Ksavera & Jason and Jon & Mandy to all let them know :)
It was perfect!!
There were a little nerves in the air has he had started with my right hand and then corrected to my left.
I still don't think I said "Yes" outloud, but me pulling him up and crying while kissing him not wanting to let him go was my answer!
Thank you to Erin for catching this moment on camera to charish the rest of our lives.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Long Beach Washington Kite Festival 2011
Every third week of August our family has made it a tradition since I was younger than 5 to go to the Kite Festival.
This years first timers were Mr. Aidan Kriebel and Mr. Kellen Thompson. It's amazing that we all used to fit in the camper with Mom and Dad. And now that all of our families have grown, us kids had to get tent sites with the grandkids getting to stay with Babcia and Dziadzia.
Johnny and Jon had to work till Friday, so Aidan and I got to drive down Wednesday with Ashley where my parents, Erin, and the kids were there since Monday and Ksavera, Jason, and Kellen came Wednesday night as well.
Babcia and Dziadzia had great fun gifts for thie kids. Aidan and Caitlyn had a great time in our giant dirt which us grown ups did too! huh Ksavera..or should we call you Sven?!??
The weather was perfect! We all got sun burnt and the beach was perfect for the kites!
Our lovely Models: Jon, Johnny, and Jason.
We were all sad Erin and Ashley had to leave Saturday for a wedding. We sure missed them!
Every summer we look forward for to this vacation! We couldn't have asked for better weather.
The best part of the whole weekend, besides great time with the family...was Johnny getting down on his knee at our Friday night bon fire and asking me to marry him! Yup, that's right, the whole family knew this was going to happen and even saw the ring. Next blog will show great pictures that Erin took of the whole fun event. I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with my best friend Johnny Cole Kriebel!
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